Saturday, 31 December 2016

Spicy Xmas chutney

Chutney is a great way of using up surplus veg from the plot. In the summer I make tomato and courgette chutney when they are in season. At this time of year carrots onions, beetroot and apples are aplenty so this recipe (with variations) is ideal and the resulting jars of product can be either eaten, stored or given as festive presents.


3 carrots, grated.
3 beetroot diced
3 onions diced
3 apples, peeled and grated
3 oranges - zest and fruit, chopped.
2 tbsp mustard seeds
2 tbsp coriander seeds
1 tbsp ground cloves
700ml red wine vinegar
600g sugar
100g sultanas
1 tbsp cinnamon
1 jalapeno pepper, diced.

Add all the ingredients to a large pan.
Bring to boil stirring frequently.
Once the mixture is boiling reduce heat and boil gently for approximately one hour. Stir occasionally and check spice levels. If chutney requires more heat add a teaspoon of ground ginger.
After an hour remove from heat. Check beetroot is tender. Bottle chutney whilst hot into warm sterile jars and close lids tightly.
Do not use chutney until it is at least one month old. This recipe will improve with age and will keep for at least twelve months. Enjoy!

Tuesday, 27 December 2016

Deja vu.

Once again it is winter on the allotment - time for planning and overwintering those veg which will grow in the polytunnel.

This year I am growing garlic, onions, broad beans and peas in the tunnel through the winter. Last year's onions (Radar) were ready in May and hence were out in time to allow successional cropping.
Outside I still have sprouts and leeks. Other plot holders have good displays of winter brassicas. Kale is very popular on our site as you can see.

This coming season will be a bit of a departure for me as I plan to grow sweet corn in the tunnel. It would probably grow outside but our site is very susceptible to wind damage so the tunnel is a safer bet. I have chosen Earlibird F1.

Our allotment association is a member of the Kings Seeds Scheme. This means that we buy good quality seeds and earn cashback for our funds in the process. Other seeds already earmarked for the tunnel include Tumbler F1 tomatoes, Cobra climbing French beans and Burpless Tasty Green F1 cucumber.