With not much effort at all I have managed to produce 10 lbs of raspberries this year after the local bird population had eaten about 5lbs.
- Wash 12 jars, rinse thoroughly and place in the oven at 100oC
- Put 7.5 lbs of washed raspberries in a large jampan and bring to boil.
- Simmer in it's own juice gently for 20 minutes until the fruit is really soft.
- Add 5lbs of granulated sugar, stirring constantly until the sugar has dissolved.
- Bring to the boil and boil for 5-10 minutes until the jam has reached setting point.
- To determine the setting point place a teaspoon of jam on a cold saucer. When the jam is cold push your finger across it. If the jam wrinkles then the setting point has been attained.
- Fill the hot jars with jam and seal, leaving a half inch gap at the top.
- As the jam cools the seal will become secure and the jars are ready for labelling.
- Jam produced in this way is good for at least 6 months and usually for a lot longer.